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Đĩa than Vinyl Styl® 12 Inch Archival Inner Record Sleeves - HDPE - 50 Count

Barcode : 711574724611

Thương hiệu: Vinyl Styl

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Vinyl Styl™ 12 Inch Vinyl Record Archival Quality Inner Sleeves - Anti-Static - 50 Pack

Vinyl Styl Protective Inner Record Sleeves are to designed to provide a lifetime of protection for your valuable record collection.

Inner sleeves help protect your records from unwanted dirt, dust, and scratches, thereby protecting the sound quality of your music and extending the life of your collection.

These exact fit inner sleeves are engineerd to perfectly fit a single 12 Inch record into a 12 Inch record jacket. This reduces the chance of the sleeve jamming or bunching up when it is inserted into the jacket.

The Vinyl Styl™ Archive Quality Inner Sleeve provides the ultimate in protection: We use 3-ply non-scratching HDPE plastic (High Density Polyethlene). This material is gentle on the record grooves, has anti-static properties and is inhospitable to mold and mildew growth.

A piece of contrasting colored anti-static rice paper is sandwiched between the plies to add rigidity and integrity to the sleeve so that it will not crumple and fold when placing the record back into its outer jacket.

Acid-free construction ensures no risk of vinyl deterioration or label discoloration over time, safely preserving your most prized vinyl records –this is the proper way to store your pain-stakingly-built vinyl record collection.

Vinyl Styl – Sound Solutions for the Modern Era


  • 50 Count Package
  • Dimensions: 12.125" X 12.125"
  • Designed to fit one 12" LP record
  • 3-Ply high-density polyethylene (HDPE) & Acid-free rice paper
  • Anti-Static design
  • Archival quality
  • Package Dimensions: 13" x 13" x 2"

Vinyl Styl provides the highest level of sustainability for your records and accessories, while most importantly remaining affordable. Protect your collection with Vinyl Styl today.

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