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đĩa than The Folk Implosion - Walk Thru Me (White Vinyl)

Barcode : 602309899172

Thương hiệu: Joyful Noise

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The Folk Implosion - Walk Thru Me (White Vinyl)

Genre: Alternative Rock

Coming June 28, 2024 pre-order your copy today! Orders with both pre-order and in stock items will have all in stock items shipped immediately!

Spellbinding 2024 Album on White Vinyl LP!

"How the fuck are we going to turn this into a song?" That's the question Lou Barlow and John Davis have asked themselves since co-founding the Folk Implosion in the early 1990s. Beginning with improvised jams featuring Barlow on bass and Davis on drums, the duo develop their beat-driven pop collages from the ground up. It's the process they used on their debut cassette, Walk Through This World with the Folk Implosion, and one they've returned to 30 years later on their spellbinding, self-referencing reunion, Walk Thru Me.

Separated by their homes in Massachusetts and North Carolina, Barlow and Davis collaborated remotely, flashing back to their early friendship as penpals. A sweaty bass and drums session went down in Barlow's attic, before they booked studio time with producer Scott Salter (St. Vincent, Spoon, The Mountain Goats).

Contrasts and comparisons are the keys to unlocking Walk Thru Me, and the Folk Implosion as a whole. Beyond the audible differences between Barlow's soft voice and Davis's urgent, reedy proclamations, their approaches to songwriting are strikingly distinct. While Barlow approached his lyrics from a protective paternal perspective ("My Little Lamb"), Davis paid tribute to his late father, shining a light on their complicated relationship ("The Day You Died").

Finally, Davis's Persian music studies in weekly Zoom lessons inspired him to integrate traditional Middle Eastern instruments such as the setar, oud, saz, and tombak.

"Because we're so separate, part of this album is me desperately trying to telepathically communicate to John and Scott, who are 700 miles away from me," Barlow concludes. "A big part of what I consider to be the Folk Implosion is taking disparate things and turning them into pop."

White Vinyl

The Day You Died
Walk Thru Me
My Little Lamb
Bobblehead Doll
The Fable and the Fact
Right Hand Over the Heart
Water Torture
O.K. to Disconnect
Moonlit Kind

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