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đĩa than The dB's - Stands for deciBels LP (Black & White Split Color Vinyl)

Barcode : 634457168749

Thương hiệu: Propeller Sound Recordings

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The dB's - Stands for deciBels LP (Black & White Split Color Vinyl)

Genre: Rock (Alternative Rock)

Coming June 7, 2024 pre-order your copy today! Orders with both pre-order and in stock items will have all in stock items shipped immediately!

Limited Edition Black & White Split Color Vinyl LP!
2024 Remastered Edition of 1981 Debut!
First-Ever US Pressing!

2024 Remastered Edition of the band's 1981 debut. First-ever U.S. pressing on limited edition Black and White split-colored vinyl.

Pitchfork cited Stands for deciBels among its list of Top 100 Albums of the 1980s.

On their debut, the dB's combined a reverence for British pop and arty post-punk leanings that alternate between minimalism and a love of quirky embellishment, odd sounds, and unexpected twists; Stands for deciBels is clearly a collegiate pop experiment, but rarely is experimentation so enjoyable and irresistibly catchy.
-Chris Woodstra, AllMusic, 4.5/5

Atop their two-guitar line-up, the dB's experiment with keyboards and effects, firing rounds of world class hooks at fans' feet and daring them not to pogo. And all this while retaining such a distinct sound; unlike many guitar-pop bands of the time, the dB's preferred a live, unpolished sound to glossy 80s production.

In a better world, this debut would've put them on a level with the Sex Pistols, the Band, and Brian Eno. In this world, it made them just another fetish for the rock cultists, but if they came out today and were given the attention they always deserved, the dB's would sound just as startling, fresh, and innovative as they must have to the lucky few that heard them the first time around... Stands for deciBels blends experimentation with pure catchiness in a way that few other records have been able to do.
-Pop Matters

Limited Edition
Black & White Split Color Vinyl
First Ever U.S. Pressing
Side 1:
Black and White
She's Not Worried
The Fight

Side 2:
Cycles per Second
Bad Reputation
Big Brown Eyes
I'm in Love
Moving in Your Sleep

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