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đĩa than Morgan Wade - Obsessed (2LP)

Barcode : 196588948213

Thương hiệu: SONY

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Morgan Wade - Obsessed (2LP)

Genre: Country Bluegrass

Coming August 2, 2024 pre-order your copy today! Orders with both pre-order and in stock items will have all in stock items shipped immediately!

Stripped-Down Country Tracks on Double LP!

Morgan Wade was feeling the urge to simplify after a period of relentless touring and intense media scrutiny during the last couple of years. Every time she sat down with her guitar, new songs just started pouring out. "They were just coming to me left and right," Wade says. The Virginia-born singer-songwriter made a choice to return to the basics for her 2024 album Obsessed, a solo-written, stripped-down 14-track collection produced by her touring guitarist Clint Wells that showcases Wade at her rawest and most vulnerable. "I really wanted to get back to doing what I used to do," she says. "Just make this whatever I wanted it to be."

Wade's third album and follow-up to 2023's Psychopath, Obsessed puts the focus on Wade's storytelling abilities and singular voice. She writes with incredible force about the ache for home and the emotion of being reunited with loved ones, of feeling dangerously preoccupied with someone, and of being in situations that society might consider outside the norm. On Obsessed, Wade also does a thorough examination and inventory of her journey as a person, not sparing any ugly details when she's been the one at fault. It's a fearless look into the life of one of country music's most exciting talents, arriving right as she's hitting her stride.

Double LP
Total Control
Department Store
Time to Love, Time to Kill
2AM in London
Hansel and Gretel
Walked On Water
Crossing State Lines
Moth to a Flame

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